Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
- Breakfast :
- Parking
Parking: Complimentary(Self)
- 1 Complimentary room with a minimum of 10 paid rooms per team per night at the MRSC rate
11th room is free
- Hotel Amenities
- Recreation
- Fitness Center
- Olive Branch City Park within walking distance
(Playground, walking trails and more)
- *Pool
- Other
- 4 FREE one-topping pizzas w/ minimum of 20 rooms booked/night
Pizza Party
- Discount at Panera Bread Co - show your room key
- Laundry: Guest Operated
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- *S.O.C.C.E.R.
- S.O.C.C.E.R. - Cookies, Lemonade & Water upon arrival.
- Complimentary Hot Buffet
Ungrouped Amenities
Please refer to your hotel's individual cancellation policy.